Once You Have the Measles Can You Get It Again


What is measles?

Measles is an airborne disease acquired by a virus, and information technology's very contagious. Symptoms may develop about eight to 12 days after you're exposed. Symptoms can last 10 to 14 days.

Measles is likewise chosen rubeola, 10-24-hour interval measles or ruby-red measles. It's not the aforementioned as German measles, or rubella.

What is the divergence betwixt measles and German measles?

Measles (rubeola) and German measles (rubella) are similar in some means. . They have some symptoms in common, such as fever, sore throat and rash. However, the virus that causes measles is different than the virus that causes German measles.

German measles is very serious for those who are meaning. This condition tin can cause the person to miscarry or can cause birth defects in the baby. Both viral diseases tin be prevented by getting one vaccine.

Who does measles affect?

Anyone who isn't vaccinated can get measles. Before the measles vaccine was available, nigh everyone got measles. If y'all have had measles or were vaccinated against measles, you're more likely to be immune to the measles virus. (Yous can still get atypical or modified measles later the vaccine.)

Due to a successful vaccination program, measles in the U.S. was virtually eliminated by 2000. At present, withal, there've been outbreaks due to a significant number of parents who decide against vaccinating their children. Unvaccinated international travelers have ever posed a risk, but the hazard is lessened by making sure yous go vaccinated.

Symptoms and Causes

What are the symptoms of measles?

The most common symptoms of measles include:

  • A high fever.
  • Tiredness.
  • A barky coughing.
  • Cerise or bittersweet eyes.
  • A runny nose.
  • A cherry-red rash, which starts at the head and then spreads downwardly.

Other symptoms of measles may include:

  • A sore throat.
  • White spots in the mouth.
  • Muscle pain.
  • Sensitivity to light (lite makes your eyes injure).

What does the measles rash look like?

The rash starts out every bit flat red spots on the face up and and so moves down over the trunk. Then smaller raised white spots may appear on tiptop of the red rash. The spots might join together as the rash goes down the trunk.

What causes measles?

Measles is acquired by an extremely contagious virus called morbillivirus. In fact, if 10 people who weren't vaccinated were in a room with someone with measles, nine of those people would get measles. Measles is spread past:

  • Contaminated droplets that are spread through the air when you cough, sneeze or talk.
  • Kissing someone who has measles.
  • Sharing drinks or nutrient with someone with measles.
  • Shaking hands or holding hands or hugging someone with measles.
  • From pregnant people to their babies — either during the pregnancy, commitment or while nursing.

The airborne respiratory droplets tin can remain in the room even afterwards the person with measles is gone.

Information technology can take six to 21 days to develop symptoms of measles afterward yous've been infected. This is the incubation period. You're contagious most four days before you develop a rash to nigh 4 days after the rash starts.

Diagnosis and Tests

How is measles diagnosed?

Your healthcare provider will probably exist able to diagnose measles by examining yous. Nevertheless, they may order laboratory tests to discover the virus in samples of:

  • Blood.
  • Secretions from your nose and throat.
  • Urine (pee).

Direction and Treatment

How is measles treated?

There's no cure for measles. The virus must run its course, which usually takes about 10 to 14 days.

You lot tin can do some things that might make you feel improve, such equally:

  • Taking acetaminophen or ibuprofen for aches, pains or fever.
  • Getting enough of rest.
  • Drinking enough fluids.
  • Gargling with salt water.
  • Fugitive harsh light if your eyes hurt.

Note: Never give aspirin to children or teenagers unless your healthcare provider specifically tells you to because of the risk of Reye'due south syndrome.

What are the complications of measles?

At that place are many complications associated with measles, some of them very serious. Complications happen most often in:

  • Children ages 5 years old or younger.
  • Pregnant people.
  • Adults ages xx or older.
  • People with weakened immune systems.

Complications of measles include:

  • Diarrhea.
  • Ear infections.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Encephalitis. This condition tin can cause inflammation of the brain, leading to seizures, hearing loss or learning disabilities.
  • Death. Before the vaccine was widely used in the U.Due south., near 400 to 500 people died each yr from measles.


When should people exist vaccinated for measles?

There are two types of vaccines that protect confronting measles: the measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine and the measles, mumps, rubella, varicella (MMRV) vaccine.

MMR vaccine

For children, the MMR vaccine is frequently given in two shots. The first shot is given effectually the historic period of 12 to 15 months, and the 2d effectually 4 or 5 years of historic period. If a kid hasn't been immunized, measles can still be prevented by receiving the vaccine within three days of exposure to the virus.

If y'all're an developed and you lot're unsure virtually whether you've been vaccinated, talk to your healthcare provider about getting the vaccine. It'south especially important if you are planning to travel internationally.

MMRV vaccine

This vaccine is only available for children ages 12 months to 12 years of age. Your child should get one shot between 12 and fifteen months. Your child should get the 2d shot between 4 and 6 years. Yet, the 2nd shot tin can exist given three months after the kickoff shot. Talk to your child'south healthcare provider nearly the best timing for your kid.

Who shouldn't become a measles vaccine?

Pregnant people shouldn't get a measles vaccine. There may be other reasons why yous shouldn't get one, such every bit an allowed system disease or an allergic reaction to a previous vaccine. There may exist reasons why you should wait to go 1. It's important to discuss this with your healthcare provider and to respond all the questions they ask about your medical history.

What precautions tin can I take if I may be exposed to measles?

The best style to forbid measles is to get vaccinated. People who work in a healthcare facility should clothing personal protective equipment that includes masks, gowns and dress when they are in contact with body fluids. You should wash your easily before and afterwards putting on gloves.

People who work with children or who are in other industries are encouraged to avoid physical contact with sick people and to do good hand washing technique. Follow the guidelines of your employer.

Outlook / Prognosis

What is the outlook for someone who has measles?

The outcome is excellent for most cases of measles. Once the disease passes, you'll nearly likely be protected against getting measles over again. In cases where at that place are severe complications, the outlook for long-term problems are less certain and vary on a case-by-case basis.

When tin can I become back to work or school if I've had measles?

You should expect at least 4 days after you go the rash to go back to piece of work or schoolhouse.

Living With

When should I contact my healthcare provider?

Contact your healthcare provider if you recollect you or your child have come into contact with someone with measles. If you or your child has measles, and seem to exist getting worse and not better, call your provider.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where did measles come from?

It's believed that the rinderpest virus in cattle jumped to humans in the fourth dimension around 600 B.C. This virus became the measles virus.

What should pregnant people do if they're exposed to measles?

If you're pregnant and you remember yous've been exposed to measles, yous should contact your healthcare provider.

A notation from Cleveland Clinic

If you're exposed to measles, y'all should contact your healthcare provider. While most cases of measles may be uncomfortable, you can care for the symptoms. However, other cases of measles can result in serious complications, including death. Measles tin can be avoided past getting the safe vaccines available for adults and children.


Source: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/8584-measles

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