How to Upload Screenshots From Android Phone to Dropbox

Dropbox is an awesome application for sharing your files with all your computers and devices. Today nosotros take a look at using Dropbox on your Android telephone.

If having access to your most important files is critical to y'all, even when you are on the go, Dropbox is your answer. Not only can information technology sync documents between all your computers whether they be Windows, Mac, or Linux, it also allows yous admission using your iPhone, iPod Bear upon, or Android phone.

Download and Setup

Download Dropbox from the Android Market place or install it by scanning the QR lawmaking and the end of the article.

When you open the Dropbox App the first time you'll be prompted to log into your account, or create an business relationship if your're a new user.

Existing users can enter your username and password and select Log in.

  Later on you log in y'all'll see all of your Dropbox folders and files.

Tap to open up whatever folder and open your folders, files, photos, videos, etc.

Sharing Files

You tin can very hands share any of your Dropbox documents by electronic mail, Twitter, Facebook, or IM using the installed apps on your phone. To share a file, press and hold on the file. When the options appear, select Share.

Next yous'll choose whether to Share a link or Share this file. Here we will share a link.

Next you'll be prompted to choose your delivery method.

Your recipient will get a link to open up and view the file.

If you select Share this file…

You will have the option to send the file via electronic mail using ane of the installed postal service clients.

Uploading Files

You can upload files to Dropbox directly from your Android phone. Select the Menu button on your phone and choose Upload.

You'll exist prompted to select the blazon of file yous want to upload. For our example, we'll select a video nosotros've previously shot and stored on the device.

Selecting motion picture or video volition take you to the gallery to select the media file…

… and you'll see a notification that your file is uploading.

Now your file is attainable from all your devices that have Dropbox installed.

Create and Relieve Documents from the the Dropbox App

You can actually create a new document, take a photo, or a video and save it without leaving the app itself. Press the Card button on your device and select New.

Next you'll be prompted to select the blazon of document you'd like to create.

For this example we took a brusque video. When yous're finished shooting, select OK.

Your document will exist immediately uploaded to Dropbox.


Looking for a specific file by can't seem to locate it? Try Search. Press the Carte button and select Search.

Type in a search term…

And get the results.


The Dropbox settings (Press Bill of fare and select Settings) will display your current username, the amount of space used in your Dropbox business relationship and the electric current App version number. Y'all tin unlink your device from Dropbox if you no longer with to use information technology, and fifty-fifty scout a brusk introductory video about Dropbox.


The Dropbox App is a fantastic way to access and share your vital documents anytime you demand them correct from your Android phone. It'due south gratuitous, and piece of cake to utilise. Have an iPhone or iPod Touch? Check out our article on using Dropbox with those Apple tree devices.

If yous're fairly new to Dropbox yous may desire to check out some of our other great Dropbox tips similar Add together Dropbox to the Send To Carte du jour in Windows, Sync Specific Folders with Dropbox, and Add Dropbox to the Windows 7 Start Menu.

To install Dropbox on your Android telephone y'all can download it from the Android Marketplace or install it by scanning the QR code higher up. If you are new to QR Codes, y'all tin can learn how to use them by checking out our post on using QR Codes to install Apps and Share Contacts on your Android phone.


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