Read the Wicked and the Divine Online

2014 comic book

The Wicked + The Divine

Promotional Launch Image.
Art by Jamie McKelvie.

Publication data
Publisher Image Comics
Schedule Monthly
Format Ongoing series
Genre Dark fantasy, contemporary fantasy
Publication date June 2014 – September 2019
No. of issues 51 (Every bit of September 2019, 45 regular & 6 specials)
Creative team
Created past Kieron Gillen
Jamie McKelvie
Written by Kieron Gillen
Artist(s) Jamie McKelvie
Letterer(s) Clayton Cowles
Colorist(south) Matt Wilson
Editor(south) Chrissy Williams
Collected editions
The Faust Human action ISBN 978-ane-63215-019-6
Fandemonium ISBN 978-1-63215-327-2
Commercial Suicide ISBN 978-1-63215-631-0
Rising Activity ISBN 978-ane-63215-913-7
Purple Phase (Part one) ISBN 978-1-53430-185-vi
Purple Stage (Part 2) ISBN 978-153430-473-4

The Wicked + The Divine is a contemporary fantasy comic book series created by Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie, and published by Image Comics. The series is largely influenced by popular music and various mythological deities, and includes the themes of life and decease in the story.[1] The comic has received positive reviews, and was the winner of Best Comic at the 2014 British Comic Awards. Information technology has also been noted for its various portrayal of ethnicity, sexuality and gender social roles.

Premise [edit]

The narrative follows a young teenage girl, Laura, every bit she interacts with the Pantheon, a group of twelve people who discover that they are reincarnated deities. This discovery grants them fame and supernatural powers, with the stipulation that they volition dice within ii years as function of a 90-yr cycle known as the Recurrence.

Publication history [edit]

The series was announced on 9 Jan 2014,[ii] and the beginning issue was released in June 2014.[iii] As of March 2019, there have been 42 single issues released, iv ane-shot specials, 1 Christmas issue, and 1 comedy upshot. The single issues, excluding the specials, are currently collected across seven merchandise paperbacks, and three hardcover trades. Prior to the serial decision, a trade collecting the 1-shots, Christmas issue, and one-act issue was released, considered the eighth book.[4] The serial is ongoing, intended to run for 45 main issues[5] and complete in eight trade-paperback arcs, (plus one for the Specials), bringing the full to nine trade paperbacks.[vi]

Writer Kieron Gillen's original and core inspiration for The Wicked + The Divine was his father's diagnosis with concluding cancer.[1] For this reason, Gillen considers the story to be "near life and death."[1] Further inspiration for Gillen comes from pop music and various pop idols; the Pantheon is based on popular idols, and Gillen has created a playlist of songs to accompany the comic book.[7] [8]

The television rights have been optioned past Universal TV.[9]

Plot [edit]

The narrative focuses on a group of people with superhuman powers known as "The Pantheon". Each member of The Pantheon was at i signal a normal person before beingness chosen to merge with the spirit of a deity. It is said that each cycle of The Pantheon will not live past two years from the first of the serial, and that every 90 years the Pantheon is reincarnated. This cycle is known every bit the Recurrence. Information technology would also appear that the person who is the side by side reincarnation of a particular god does not get the opportunity to refuse condign ane.

Characters [edit]

  • Laura Wilson – The series' narrator and protagonist. A 17-year-old multiracial teenager who lives in Brockley, Laura is a "fangirl" of the Pantheon, often having to stifle her truthful emotions in their presence and ready to cede everything to be associated with the Pantheon. After attending a operation by Amaterasu, she meets several members of the Pantheon for the get-go time and befriends Match.[10] While all previous Pantheons accept consisted of twelve gods, Laura is revealed to perchance exist the first thirteenth member, Persephone.[11] This was later debunked by the advent of Persephone in the 1920s Recurrence, which means that she may be the terminal god to be incarnated every bit referenced by Ananke's sister, which means that in previous Pantheons, either she went unseen by other members of the Pantheon or she was killed immediately past Minerva or Ananke. Becomes the first fellow member of the Pantheon ever to see through the trap of godhood, give it upwards and assistance her surviving peers practice the same. Sentenced for killing Ananke, but served her time and later married Cassandra. In the year 2055, calls her peers together for Cassandra's funeral and gives the reader some final communication.
  • Laura'due south Family – Laura'southward female parent, father and sis Jenny. Originally not knowing of Laura's secret other life equally a friend of the Pantheon, they eventually notice out when she is thrust into the spotlight, and learn to support her lifestyle. Killed by Ananke who frames Baphomet for the murder. The fact that Ananke killed Jenny without even realising motivates Laura to kill Ananke.
  • Beth – Originally one of Cassandra'southward interns, she is fired after leaking Cassandra and Laura's location to Baal and sets out on her own, with a grudge. Eventually joins Wōden. Took the proper noun Nike (mythology). Later being controlled by Minerva she all the same wants godhood and is knocked out by Robin, then arrested with the others.
  • Robin and Toni – Beth's new camera team, operating in the same capacity Beth once did to Cassandra. Piece of work for Wōden in the last stage of his plans. She as Phobos (mythology) and he as Eros (mythology). Go out after beingness freed from Minerva's control, only to be arrested.
  • The Valkyries – A group of tall, beautiful, Asian women almost always accompanying Wōden. Kerry is ane of his onetime valkyries and went by the name Brunhilde while with him, and after attempting to impale Wōden in society to gain his power, is bedridden past Minerva; she later rejoined him. Another valkyrie, Eir looks after Sakhmet. A third named valkyrie is Göndul. Controlled by Minerva in the terminal arc. Freed by Dionysus and leave, only to be arrested.
  • David Blake – An proficient in The Pantheon who doesn't believe this generation deserves them, which upsets Laura. He works with Uror to attempt and identify Luci'southward attackers and has a son called Jon who is 1 of the true gods. David works with Ananke while pretending to exist Wōden. As Wōden, he is oft accompanied by The Valkryies, a group of human being women who are all tall, Asian, and beautiful. He constantly wears a mask to hide his appearance, which is rumoured to be hideous. He is very racist, misogynistic, and a debauchee. Killed by the Valkyries nether Minerva's control.
  • Minerva'south female parent and father – Minerva's parents live to profit from their daughter'south newfound god-like status. Killed past Ananke, during Ananke'southward "attack" on Minerva. Revealed to exist an unrelated couple that had been paid off by Ananke and Minerva to pose equally her parents.
  • Campbell Family -Valentine/Baal's parents and younger siblings Alicia and Bobby. His father was killed by the Great Darkness when Baal first became a god, convincing him to sacrifice children to stop it. The remaining family was attacked again at the aforementioned time as Minerva. Baal includes his mother in the crowd of intended sacrifices to stop the Great Darkness in one case and for all while Minerva watches his siblings. Afterwards the gig fails and horrified when he learns the truth, Baal lets the law choice them upwards.
  • Tom – A fan of Persephone'due south who was the first to know she wanted to exist known as The Destroyer. Attends Baal's final gig with his friends Nathan and Julie, finding footage of Laura on his telephone after the crowd somehow survives.

The Pantheon [edit]

Every Recurrence, 12 split gods/goddesses reincarnate into bodies of any gender. Lucifer has had the most reincarnations, actualization 5 times in the bug and six birthday. Minerva has appeared 5 times; Baal, The Morrigan, Dionysus, Inanna, Set, and Woden have appeared three times, and Amaterasu, Mimir and The Norns have appeared twice, with every other god/goddess having at least one known reincarnation. The 2010s Recurrence features the mysterious advent of a 13th goddess, Persephone. However, information technology was shown during the 1920s Recurrence that Persephone too appeared, her head having been removed prior or during the events of the Recurrence. None of the other gods seemed to recognize her, which indicates either she has been killed immediately by Ananke in the past, or has been subconscious by Ananke from the other gods. Information technology has since been revealed that Minerva is not a proper god, automatically created shortly before the next Recurrence begins and working with Ananke the whole time. Thus Persephone is the proper 12th member.

Ananke appears to act along with the Pantheon, serving as their representative to the public, just is also outside of them. Different the others she is non a teenager and has aged, just nonetheless is able to function. She functions most equally a parent, and reveals that she gave up her divinity during an earlier cycle of The Recurrence to protect futurity members of The Pantheon. Although she is stern with the deities who are resurrected, she seems to have a genuine maternal connection to them, saying that she will miss them before she kills them, and crying later she does so. Information technology is revealed she, working with Minerva, has been removing the heads of gods in the previous cycles in order to prevent the coming of the Darkness by completing a ritual using the intact heads of 4 gods. The gods who take had their heads removed previously do non remember having it occur in past Recurrences, equally Inanna, the Morrigan and Lucifer of the 2010s bike had their heads removed in each of their prior incarnations, but do non flee when Ananke has attempted to remove their heads in the example of Inanna and Lucifer.

Flashbacks shown to the 1923 Recurrence appear to show that each Minerva uses the power of the ritual to kill the current Ananke (each having been the previous incarnation of Minerva), and take her place for the adjacent cycle; remembering every previous Recurrence in the process and taking the name of Ananke for that cycle. Further brief flashbacks to every Recurrence throughout history show a variety of outcomes for an Ananke awakening a Persephone. In near Ananke kills and/or takes the head of Persephone, (featuring twice where Minerva did this instead of Ananke); in some Ananke embraces Persephone as she does with the other gods; a few Persephone escape; some Persephone fight back occasionally wounding Ananke- twice killing Ananke and at least in one case where they killed each other. A Minerva has never been shown dying so therefore the cycle would continue through her even if something happened to the electric current Ananke before the ritual could be completed. Flashbacks to 3127 B.C. show the Minerva attempt to apply herself in place of the fourth head; the ritual turned on her sending her into ninety years of Darkness, until the next Minerva appeared swearing to never let that happen again. The 2014 Recurrence with Laura Wilson is the commencement time a 3rd party has interfered with Ananke/Minerva and Persephone'south meet.

In the last arc, Minerva reveals the truth. Ananke and her sister were part of the get-go grouping of twelve with small talents similar to the descended Laura. Her sister discovered that labeling themselves as "gods" gave them keen power, a shortcut. Though "godhood" kills one of their grouping after two years, Ananke found a fashion to cheat death by creating the Minerva part and sacrificing 4 heads of each generation of the twelve. All of it just to prevent the Darkness of her permanent decease. Every bit the Crone and Maiden she traps the twelve in a story, giving them "godhood" with the proper name of a deity specific to each individual's flaws allowing her to manipulate and sacrifice them; while likewise preventing them from discovering their true power equally regular humans. With no heads sacrificed in the 2010s Recurrence, and both the Ananke and the Minerva having been killed, the cycle is finally free from her abuse and cannot be repeated by anyone else. Laura and her surviving peers went on to commit to the lifetime of work, using their powers without godhood to better the globe. Once they all pass away naturally, the time to come volition exist a blank slate of possibility for future generations.

2014 Recurrence

  • Amaterasu – Formerly Emily Greenaway, who went by the proper noun Hazel Oak Ash Thorn Greenaway and became Amaterasu at the age of 17. A fan of Shinto culture from her babyhood, she is ordinarily accused of cultural appropriation. Before beingness transformed, she was a fan of Cassandra's writing and drew a lot of fan art. Was a close friend of Eleanor before either of them became gods. She has the ability to "step" by sunlight every bit a fashion to teleport, with Wōden giving her a machine to practise information technology by starlight. She has a very optimistic outlook on life and tries to exist kind and friendly, stating that equally a god she must exist an inspiration. She also cares securely for her fellow gods and others, praying for them all. Murdered past Sakhmet slashing her throat. Amaterasu'due south appearance appears to be based on Florence Welch.[12]
  • Baal – Formerly Valentine Campbell. Baal was the showtime god to emerge from the 2014 Recurrence. He was once with Inanna, before Inanna cheated on him with Lucifer, making him overly ambitious, just still not over him. He presents himself equally aggressive, but is shown to have a softer side. His powers are presented equally electric in nature, using it to make his car go faster and cock a muzzle of lightning. He initially claims he is Baal Hadad, but is really the heaven and fire god Baal Hammon. He was using sacrificial children once every iv months to banish the Great Darkness that killed his father. Devastated when he realizes information technology'southward all a prevarication, simply living to stop Minerva. Valentine gives up godhood without stating what it meant to him. Commits murder-suicide by falling from a ledge while belongings Minerva. Though Zahid, Cassandra and Laura hate what he did, in machismo they see him as a tragic figure trying to protect others for the greater proficient. Baal is visually based on Kanye West.
  • Dionysus – Formerly Umar. Has the power to produce a drug-like euphoria, with the added function to command people affected past it. He first appears as a fan during The Morrigan's gig, before he is transformed. His powers take consequences though, as he can constantly hear people's voices in his head and tin can't sleep. Declared brain-dead after Wōden took control of a oversupply of fans using Dionysus' powers. As a fan, Umar met Cameron and gave him a ride to 1 of The Morrigan's early on gigs. Cameron would become Nergal equally a result. Resurrected at the price of Nergal'due south life. Umar gives upwards godhood forth with his belief that he has to save everyone. Mentioned subsequently in life to be married. The one whom e'er inspired Cassandra to be kinder. Subconsciously remembers Cameron's concluding words to him and the prototype of Cassandra dying in a infirmary room which he had briefly seen after trying to record The Morrigan; simply cannot remember the source of either retentiveness.
  • Inanna – Formerly Zahid. They beginning met Laura at the original Ragnarock before their transformation, where they blended in and mostly went ignored. Their personality changed when they were transformed, becoming more approachable and confident. They were also a fan of Cassandra's writing. They run a Residency which tin can go on for weeks at a time and oft turns into orgies. In the early days of godhood, they were in a relationship with Baal, which ended when Inanna slept with Lucifer. Their powers included Divination and "stepping" (teleporting) by starlight. Murdered by Ananke, who frames the murder on Baphomet. Head is being kept live in club to complete the ritual to blackball the darkness. Takes the body of Gentle Annie afterwards they were freed by The Norns and Laura. Zahid gives up godhood, which they previously believed was the merely manner they could stand up out. Misses Valentine for the rest of their life. Though disgusted at what Valentine did, they reason only someone full of beloved to protect others could have gone through with it. Cassandra mentions she is glad to accept known Zahid. In the concluding outcome, Zahid uses they/them pronouns. Innana is based on Prince.[13]
  • Friction match – Formerly Eleanor Rigby (a reference to the Beatles song of the same name), who was turned into Friction match at the age of 18.[xiv] She start meets Laura after an Amaterasu concert and offers Laura divinity in commutation for her assistance. She enjoys being rebellious confronting authority and has a desire for people to detect her, which existence on stage allowed her to indulge in. Her powers announced to be burn down-based, oftentimes demonstrated by causing explosions and lighting cigarettes. Killed past Ananke. Head is beingness kept live in order to complete the ritual to banish the darkness. Takes the body of Badb after being freed by The Norns and Laura. Eleanor initially refuses to surrender godhood. Laura makes her see her dream of being on stage isn't worth it and she becomes Eleanor again. Decades later, she and Laura had tried a human relationship only it didn't work out. Was never friends with Cassandra just they gained a mutual respect for each other. Eleanor is still sarcastic merely gets forth well with the remainder of her peers later in life. Luci is visually inspired by David Bowie.[15]
  • Minerva – The youngest member of the Pantheon at 12 years old, she is kept away from of import discussions past the others despite her desire to be involved. It is indicated that the reason Minerva is so young is that as a virgin goddess, her hosts can but be virgins themselves. This seems to be supported past the fact that her previous incarnation in the 1920s was also a young daughter. Secretly non ane of the gods and part of Ananke's form of immortality. Her supposed parents appear to control her every move, living with her in Valhalla; though they are but unrelated people paid off past Ananke and Minerva in a ruse. She has a pet mechanical owl she calls Owly. It is revealed that she has all of Ananke's knowledge and carries on their plans. Revelations shown in 1923 suggests each Minerva kills each Ananke at the terminate of each cycle, considering themselves one; though the two tin can disagree with each other. Revealed to have separate minds until the Ananke is killed, the Minerva and so gaining everything. This indicates that Minerva takes the office of the Maid and Ananke the part of the Crone. Used technology like the Valkyries when she needed to pose equally a performing god, and cannot sing anymore. Reveals the truth to the surviving members of the twelve when her plans are foiled. Murdered by Valentine whom deliberately falls from a neat height with her, killing them both. Minerva's expect is based on the armed forces-fashion costumes often worn by pop stars such equally The Beatles, Queen, My Chemical Romance, The Libertines, Manic Street Preachers and Cheryl.[sixteen]
  • Mimir- Formerly Jon Blake. Turned into a god against his will and imprisoned by Ananke and his father David. David pretends to be the god Wōden while he secretly forces his son to build things for Ananke and his own plans. Jon is freed by The Norns and Laura, taking The Morrigan's torso. Wōden is killed past the Valkyries under Minerva's influence. Jon gives up godhood, the merely mode he could brand sense of what his father did to him. Jon never stopped working and congenital many advanced technologies for the world. May exist in a relationship with Aruna. One of Cassandra'due south closest friends after in life. Visually based on Daft Punk.
  • The Morrígan – Formerly Marian. Out of her love for her former boyfriend, she requests Ananke plough him into Baphomet. She appears in iii incarnations, which have so far been named as "Badb", "Gentle Annie" (possibly Anand), and simply "Morrígan" (The Morrígan). Her personality depends on which incarnation she is in: Gentle Annie is more kind, while Badb is overly ambitious. Her powers include summoning crows as a weapon and, as Gentle Annie, she can heal. If a person tries to capture The Morrígan on photographic camera, they will see a vision of a loved i dying. Gentle Annie sacrifices their life to bring back Nergal after Badb kills him. Two of the twelve being as shut as Marian and Cameron were earlier discovering their abilities is rare, but Ananke/Minerva used that to her advantage. Visually, the Morrigan is based on PJ Harvey, Kate Bush, Patti Smith, Siouxsie Sioux and KatieJane Garside.[17]
  • Nergal – Formerly Cameron. Afterward his parents died, he became withdrawn from Marian and cheated on her, just she later forgave him and asked for him to be transformed. The grapheme goes past name Baphomet (Baph), but in the 20th consequence, he reveals to Persephone (and Urðr) that he is actually the incarnation of the god Nergal. He is very sarcastic and snide as an attempt to hibernate his immense insecurities, particularly his fright of death. He tin can summon the spirits of the dead. Killed past Badb but resurrected by Gentle Annie at the cost of Marian's triple lives. He figures out Marian meant for them to constantly die to each resurrect the other one, but Laura convinces him to break free of the corruption and instead use the three bodies equally new hosts for the heads of the other gods. Before facing Minerva, he becomes brain-expressionless to bring back Dionysus. Mentioned every bit deceased in the far futurity of 2055. He is based upon Nick Cave and Andrew Eldritch.[xviii]
  • Persephone – Appears at the end of the 11th issue when Ananke seemingly transforms Laura Wilson into this previously unknown member of the Pantheon. Her powers include summoning vines that outburst out the footing and is also able to bear witness others by events. Formerly significant with either Baal Haamon or Nergal'due south child. Realizes she isn't a god and becomes homo again; though tin can yet somehow summon fire and has express performance powers. The starting time to descend and give up godhood, Laura helps the rest run into the truth. Arrested and put on trial for the murder of Ananke. Freed afterward on and married Cassandra. Meets with anybody for the funeral and gives the reader departing words that the future is theirs to make: a blank slate of possibility.
  • Sakhmet – Formerly Ruth Clarkson. She admired Egyptian culture from a immature age. Before Ananke institute her, it was hinted she was homeless, an alcoholic, and that her father driveling her. When sober, she becomes murderous and cannibalistic and tin can only be calmed down with alcohol. Her behaviour is very catlike and she is i of the Pantheon'south best fighters. Killed past Minerva after Minerva's gaining the knowledge of Ananke. Sakhmet is visually based on Rihanna as well as Gillen's cat.[19]
  • Tara – Formerly Aruna. From a immature age, she suffered corruption and sexualization from all around her. She does non know which specific goddess "Tara" she is supposed to be an incarnation of (there are iii options – a Buddhist Tara, a Hindu Tara, and a Polynesian Tara) and is plagued past abuse and derision from the public for refusing to perform miracles during her performances, instead performing music she wrote before her transformation. Constantly receiving rape threats and decease threats, she begs Ananke to finish her life and torment. She is very dismissive and withdrawn from the other gods. Head is beingness kept alive in club to complete the ritual to banish the darkness. Volunteers not to take a body after she is freed by The Norns and Laura; to escape the objectification she faced before. Even as a head, had the miracle of turning into a giantess in battle. Aruna gives up her godhood; while she hated beingness special, deep down she believed she was special in the outset place. She is withal a living head. In the future she has a mechanical body built by Jon whom she may be in a relationship with. Cassandra mentions Aruna's never committing a crime permit her campaign for leniency for the rest of the survivors. Mastered using miracles and her own phonation as 1 which she uses to close out the funeral. Tara is inspired by Lady Gaga and Taylor Swift as well as 1950's science fiction.
  • Urðr – Earlier her transformation, Urðr was Cassandra Igarashi, a trans adult female,[20] reporter, and a cynical skeptic of the Pantheon's supernatural origins. Every bit Urðr, she is revealed to be the 12th member of the Pantheon, and appears forth with her two sisters Verðandi and Skuld, formerly her camera crew members Meredith and Zoe. Together, the three grade The Norns. Urðr was non affected by any of the other gods' music apart from Persephone's; until she and Dionysus constitute a manner for her to hear and feel his. Cassandra sends the other two Norns away to protect them. Cassandra gives upwards godhood; while she e'er thought the Pantheon's miracles were lies, she wanted to show information technology past using miracles and didn't see the contradiction until the true nature of the twelve is revealed. The surviving members agree to her plan and get arrested. Passes away at the historic period of sixty-five in the year 2055, equally Laura's wife. The survivors of the Pantheon get together for her funeral as a hologram of Cassandra explains what each of them meant to her. While Meredith and Zoe were never certain they were truly role of the group, Laura thanks them for what they meant to Cassandra. Cassandra says they left her speechless every day she was with them. [21]

Previous Recurrences

1922 Recurrence

This Recurrence ended on the 31st of Dec 1923. Unusually, the twelve gods all lived close to the end of the Recurrence, forcing Ananke to have desperate measures to complete the ceremony to stop the Great Darkness. It is revealed that Ananke has found and imprisoned the creature that Woden merged with in the previous Recurrence in the lighthouse near Lucifer's island. This effect ends with the events of the showtime issue of the comic.

  • Amaterasu – A goddess based on silent-era film actresses like Louise Brooks, whose miracles involve impersonation and screen projection. She kills Baal using a project of a steam train. Killed past Amon-Ra in suicide pact. She is later reincarnated in the next recurrence.
  • Amun Ra – A god based on Langston Hughes and other Harlem Renaissance-era artists. In dearest with Amaterasu. Killed by Susanoo in suicide pact. Not reincarnated since this Recurrence.
  • Baal – A god based on T. South. Eliot and Ezra Pound, in alliance with Set up to plunge the world into darkness and preserve the cultural dominance of literature. Killed past Amaterasu. Not reincarnated since this Recurrence.
  • Dionysus – A god based on Pablo Picasso during his Cubist catamenia, and as such is a living embodiment of the motility. Dies by a laser rigged past Wōden. He is later reincarnated in the next Recurrence.
  • Match – A god based on F. Scott Fitzgerald, who lives on an island mansion attended only by a magical project of a butler. Murdered by Set. He is afterward reincarnated in the side by side Recurrence.
  • Minerva – A goddess based on Shirley Temple, she is more upbeat and young, and frequently has to exist shielded when her beau gods are murdered. Enlightened of Ananke'southward ritual and obtains the heads of Prepare and Susanoo to complete information technology. She kills Ananke and takes her place, obtaining the ability of the Ritual. She lived till the 2010s Recurrence, which would have made her 87 years former at this time, and 30 years former at the time of her conversation with author Robert Graves.
  • The Morrigan – A god based on James Joyce. He speaks of himself in the tertiary person in a mixture of script and prose format. Murdered past Ananke to draw the surviving Pantheon towards the rebels. 2nd head used in the ritual. He is later reincarnated in the next Recurrence.
  • Neptune – A god based on Ernest Hemingway, and visually resembling Captain Nemo. Despite being a sea god, he is unable to swim. Dies by Baal drowning him. Not reincarnated since this Recurrence.
  • The Norns – Iii gods based on George Orwell, H.Yard. Wells, and Aldous Huxley. Verðandi is murdered for non wanting to join in the darkness programme. Skuld and Urðr are later killed past Gear up. They are later reincarnated in the adjacent Recurrence.
  • Prepare – A goddess based on Virginia Woolf and other members of the Bloomsbury Group. Mentions previous incarnations having taken place during the reign of Ramses II and during the life of Jesus, similar to Woolf'due south character Orlando. Killed by Minerva. Third caput used in the ritual. Not reincarnated since this Recurrence.
  • Susanoo – A god based on silent-era film comedians like Buster Keaton and Harold Lloyd, who is attracted to his "sister" Amaterasu. Decapitated by Minerva after the suicide pact for the fourth caput of the ritual. Non reincarnated since this Recurrence.
  • Wōden – A god based on Joseph Goebbels, who appears to have vast mechanical and technological powers, only to be revealed to exist a sham god and a fraud, likely past draining Mimir, whose head he kept in a box. Both Mimir and Wōden are killed by Ananke. Circumstances repeated past David and Jon Blake in the next Recurrence.
  • Persephone – A goddess based on Josephine Bakery. Her head was removed past Ananke in 1922, a year before the events on Match's island. Head nowadays as the first sacrifice for the ritual.

1830 Recurrence

This Recurrence ended on the 19th of March 1831.

  • Hades – A god based on John Keats. Ravaged by illness, he is killed by Ananke with his torso then taken past Lucifer and The Morrígan to attempt a resurrection. Not reincarnated since this Recurrence.
  • Hestia – A goddess perhaps based on Jane Austen. Consumed by a pride of suitors at a ball. Not reincarnated since this Recurrence.
  • Inanna – A goddess based on Mary Shelley's footstep-sister Claire Clairmont. In render for godhood, she kills Wōden's children. The last survivor of this Recurrence, her head was removed by Ananke at the conclusion of the Recurrence. According to the 1831 creature, Inanna was a plagiarist whom used stolen power. Revealed in Kieron Gillen'south Writer's Notes that she was a false god whom drew power from the necklace she wore; like to both of the Wōden'southward in the following two Recurrences. Reincarnated side by side in the 2010s Recurrence.
  • Friction match – A god based on the poet Lord Byron, who does non desire to accept his fate. Killed past a fauna of his ain making while attempting to resurrect Hades. Next reincarnated in the 1920s Recurrence.
  • Morpheus – A god possibly based on Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Died explaining a vision. Non reincarnated since this Recurrence.
  • The Morrígan – A god based on the poet Percy Shelley, who feels isolated from his cold wife, Woden. Killed past a animal of his own making while attempting to resurrect Hades. Side by side reincarnated in the 1920s Recurrence.
  • Perun – A god possibly based on Alexander Pushkin. Dies in Petersburg. Not reincarnated since this Recurrence.
  • Thoth – A god possibly based on Edgar Allan Poe. Killed by an ape stealing his eye. Not reincarnated since this Recurrence.
  • Wōden – A goddess based on the writer Mary Shelley, made bitter past the death of her 3 children. To save Inanna, she merges with the fauna created by Lucifer and The Morrígan. Name adjacent used in the 1920s Recurence. Thus far, this is the only Recurrence of Woden that has non included a link to Mimir. Killed by Baal as a mercy in 2015.
  • Unknown god who went past 'The Angel of Soho', Urizen, Enitharmon, and Orc. These are all characters from William Blake's mythology.
  • Unknown goddesses described as 'The Three Lonely Sisters of the Parsonage', mayhap the Brontë sisters.
  • i Unknown god/goddess deceased by the finish of the Recurrence. Likely a Minerva who murders Ananke and takes her persona. Lived until the 1923 Bicycle, which would have fabricated her 92 at the time of her death.
  • Persephone – Head removed by Ananke in Paris, France in 1830.

1738 Recurrence

  • 11 unknown gods and goddess dead by the end of the bicycle.
  • Minerva – the Ananke of the 1830s bike.
  • Persephone – killed in 1738 by Ananke in North America. Attempted to attack Ananke while her caput was beingness removed from her body.

1371 Recurrence

This Recurrence takes place in France, a few decades after the plague known equally The Black Death. Ended on the 2nd of March 1373.

  • ten unknown gods and goddesses dead by the cease of the wheel.
  • Friction match -a nun whom maintained control subsequently exceeding her 2 years. Kills Ananke whom admitted to creating the plague; when Match finally allows godhood to eat her. Next known reincarnation in the 1830s Recurrence.
  • Minerva – a daughter with skin deformities. Recruited people for Ananke to transform into gods. Watches Lucifer and Ananke burn down, then leaves with a sack of heads.
  • Persephone – caput removed by Ananke in 1371.

453 Recurrence

This Recurrence occurs during the second Sack of Rome in 455 AD. Ended on the 16th of August 455 Advertisement.

  • Baal – A Carthaginian whom Geiseric mentions seeing perform and who was afterward killed. Next known reincarnation in the 1920s Recurrence.
  • Dionysus/Bacchus – A lover of Lucifer who relates more to the Roman god Bacchus than Dionysus. Lucifer wishes he was with him at the end of his life. Side by side known reincarnation in the 1920s Recurrence.
  • Inanna – Married Attila the Hun and killed him during sexual practice, stopping his ascent. Adjacent known reincarnation in the 1830s Recurrence.
  • Match – A lower player made god, he calls himself Julius Caesar when he rejects his godhood. The last survivor of this Recurrence, killed by unknown causes. (Inferred subsequently in the story equally his use of godhood and miracles burning him out after ii years of fourth dimension). The adjacent known reincarnation is the 1370s Recurrence.
  • Mithras – Co-ordinate to Ananke, died past feeding his mankind to a legion. Non known to have reincarnated since this Recurrence.
  • Minerva – According to Ananke, lost in an endeavour at finding the Alexandrian Library. Would take actually survived due to the fact that each Minerva kills the previous Ananke and takes on Ananke'south memories and persona. Next known reincarnation in the 1370s Recurrence.
  • Morai – According to Ananke, their fate was predetermined. Not known to have reincarnated since this Recurrence.
  • Persephone – head removed in Germania by Ananke during 454 AD, a yr before Friction match dies.
  • five unknown gods/goddesses deceased by the finish of the Recurrence.

Listing of All Recurrences

This is a list of all Recurrences and the fourth dimension and place they occurred. Unless otherwise stated the Persephone ends each bicycle with her head being removed. The only two Persephones to actually kill Ananke were the 2483 BC incarnation (where she used the vines to destroy Ananke'south head) and the 820 AD incarnation (where Persephone cut Ananke in half and ran away).

4000 BC – The showtime successful Recurrence, of which Ananke corrupts and makes the rules with her Sister thus creating the first Minerva.

3862 BC – Recurrence takes place in the Upper Nile Valley.

3770 BC – Recurrence takes place in Mesopotamia.

3678 BC – Recurrence takes identify in the Indus Valley.

3586 BC – Recurrence takes place along the Yellowish River.

3495 BC – Recurrence takes place in Uruk in Sumer. Persephone fought dorsum against Ananke during this Recurrence, injuring her shoulder, only had part of her caput removed in the attempt.

3403 BC – Recurrence takes identify in the Fortaleza Valley in Peru.

3311 BC – Recurrence takes place in Western Europe.

3219 BC – Second Recurrence to accept identify in the Indus Valley.

3128 BC – Recurrence takes identify in Arab republic of egypt. This Minerva could only gather three heads and was swallowed by the Ritual until the next Recurrence.

3036 BC – Recurrence takes identify in Crete. No Ananke in the bike. Persephone killed by Minerva.

2942 BC – Recurrence takes identify in Japan.

2849 BC – Recurrence takes place in Northern China.

2757 BC – Second Recurrence to take place in Egypt.

2666 BC – Second Recurrence to take place in Northern China.

2574 BC – 3rd Recurrence to accept place in Egypt. Persephone fought dorsum, impaling Ananke with her vines.

2483 BC – Recurrence takes identify on Wrangel Island in the Arctic Ocean. Persephone obliterated Ananke's head.

2391 BC – Recurrence takes place in Harappa in the area known every bit Islamic republic of pakistan today.

2299 BC – Recurrence takes identify around the city of Akkad.

2207 BC – Recurrence takes identify in the British Isles.

2115 BC – Recurrence takes place in Canaan.

2024 BC – Third Recurrence to take place in Northern China.

1932 BC – Recurrence takes place in Australasia.

1840 BC – Fourth Recurrence to have place in Arab republic of egypt.

1748 BC – Recurrence takes place in Babylon. Persephone's caput is removed at the same time she kills Ananke with her vines.

1657 BC – Recurrence takes place in North America.

1565 BC – Fourth Recurrence to have place in Northern China.

1473 BC – Recurrence takes place in Northern Indus Valley region.

1381 BC – Recurrence takes place in Central America.

1289 BC – 5th Recurrence to take identify in Egypt, during the reign of Ramses the II. Persephone fought back against Ananke. Set is also known to accept appeared during this Recurrence.

1197 BC – Recurrence takes place around Hattusa during the Hittite Empire. This Persephone besides fought back against Ananke.

1106 BC – Recurrence takes place in Greece.

1014 BC – Recurrence takes place in Central China. Persephone attempted to fight, but had part of her head removed.

922 BC – Recurrence takes place in Assyria.

830 BC – Recurrence takes place in Carthage.

739 BC – Fifth Recurrence to take place in Northern China.

647 BC – Recurrence takes place in Persia. Persephone attempted to fight before removal of her head.

555 BC – Recurrence takes place in Eastern India.

463 BC – Recurrence takes place in Athens, Hellenic republic.

372 BC – Recurrence takes place in Republic of macedonia.

280 BC – 2d Recurrence to take place in Central India. Persephone appears to escape under ground.

188 BC – Recurrence takes identify in Eastern China.

96 BC – Recurrence takes identify in Etruria.

4 BC – Recurrence takes identify in Judea. Lucifer and Set also participate.

88 Advert – Recurrence takes place in Teotihuacan.

181 Advertizement – Recurrence takes place in South Eastern asia.

271 Advertizing – Second Recurrence takes place in Eastern China.

364 Advert – Recurrence takes identify in Eastern Europe.

453 Advertizement – Recurrence takes identify in Ancient Rome. 454 – Persephone is killed by Ananke in Germania. ii August 455 – Friction match, the final surviving god, takes over Rome. 16 August 455 – Lucifer dies.

546 Advert – Recurrence takes place in Tikal.

637 AD – Recurrence takes place in Iraq.

729 Advertisement – Recurrence takes identify in Constantinople.

820 Advertizing – Recurrence takes place in Francia. Persephone cuts Ananke in half before escaping.

912 Ad – Sixth Recurrence to have place in Arab republic of egypt. Persephone killed by Minerva.

1003 AD – Second Recurrence to accept place in Japan.

1095 AD – Recurrence takes place in Syria.

1187 AD – Recurrence takes identify in Jerusalem.

1279 Advert – Sixth Recurrence to take place in Northern Mainland china.

1371 AD – Recurrence takes place in France.

1463 Advertisement – Recurrence takes identify in West Africa.

1554 Advert – Recurrence takes place in Cusco.

1646 AD – Third Recurrence to accept place in Japan.

1738 Advert – Second Recurrence to have identify in North America.

1830 Advertising – Second Recurrence to take identify in France.

1922 – Third Recurrence to accept identify in North America.

2014 – Recurrence takes identify in Uk.

It is shown that Persephone has appeared in each Recurrence since 3682 BC, where she was incarnated by Ananke. Ananke encourages her to sing, and as she does Ananke takes her head off. Since that time, 65 Recurrences have happened. The well-nigh Recurrences accept happened in Egypt and Northern China.

Reception [edit]

The Wicked + the Divine has received more often than not positive reviews. The review aggregation website Comic Book Roundup reports that the series holds an average score of 8.half-dozen out of 10.[22]

Awards [edit]

The Wicked + the Divine was the winner of Best Comic at the 2014 British Comic Awards.[23] The series has also been nominated for the 2022 Eisner Awards in three categories: Best New Series, All-time Cover Artist, and Best Coloring.[24] In 2018, it was nominated for the Eisner Awards in the Best Continuing Serial category.[25]

Nerveless editions [edit]

The entire series has been collected as nine trade paperback (TPB) volumes, and besides as four deluxe hardcovers (HC):

# Title Release date Nerveless issues TPB ISBN
1 Vol 1: The Faust Act November 12, 2014 The Wicked + The Divine #1–5 ISBN 978-ane-63215-019-half dozen
2 Vol 2: Fandemonium July i, 2015 The Wicked + The Divine #6–11 ISBN 978-1-63215-327-2
3 Vol three: Commercial Suicide February 3, 2016 The Wicked + The Divine #12–17 ISBN 978-1-63215-631-0
iv Vol 4: Ascent Action Oct 5, 2016 The Wicked + The Divine #18–22 ISBN 978-one-63215-913-vii
5 Vol v: Imperial Phase (Office one) June 7, 2017 The Wicked + The Divine #23–28 ISBN 978-1-53430-185-6
6 Vol 6: Imperial Phase (Function 2) January x, 2018 The Wicked + The Divine #29–33 ISBN 978-one-53430-473-four
vii Vol 7: Mothering Invention October 9, 2018 The Wicked + The Divine #34–39 ISBN 978-1-53430-840-4
8 Vol 8: Old is the New New March 12, 2019 The Wicked + The Divine 455 A.D., 1373, 1831, 1923, Christmas Almanac & The Funnies ISBN 978-ane-53430-880-0
ix Vol 9: Okay October two, 2019 The Wicked + The Divine forty–45 ISBN 978-1-53431-249-iv
# Title Release date Collected issues TPB ISBN
1 The Wicked + The Divine Book One HC April half dozen, 2016 The Wicked + The Divine #1–11 ISBN 978-one-63215-728-seven
ii The Wicked + The Divine Book Two HC July 12, 2017 The Wicked + The Divine #12–22 ISBN 978-i-53430-220-4
iii The Wicked + The Divine Book Three HC December xi, 2018 The Wicked + The Divine #23–33 ISBN 978-i-53430-857-2
4 The Wicked + The Divine Volume Iv HC March 11, 2020 The Wicked + The Divine #34–45, 455 A.D., 1373, 1831, 1923, Christmas Annual & The Funnies ISBN 978-ane-53431-358-3

References [edit]

  1. ^ a b c Wheeler, Andrew. "Exclusive: Gillen & McKelvie Announce New Image Serial, 'The Wicked & The Divine' [Interview]". Comics Alliance. Archived from the original on 29 April 2015. Retrieved three June 2015. Kieron Gillen: "The Wicked & The Divine was one of the ideas I had in the days following my Dad beingness diagnosed with concluding cancer. It'south a pop book, but information technology's basically about life and death."
  2. ^ Salazar, Kat. "The Gods Are ReIncarnated in THE WICKED AND THE DIVINE". Image Comics . Retrieved 15 Nov 2014.
  3. ^ Dean, Tres (nineteen June 2014). "The Wicked and the Divine #1 Review". IGN . Retrieved 28 October 2014.
  4. ^ https://world wide
  5. ^ "'Wicked + Divine' creator talks David Bowie, Twitter hate mobs, and the TV adaptation". UPROXX. 2016-05-05. Retrieved 2018-01-04 .
  6. ^ "C2E2 2017: Kieron Gillen Talks Appetite, Fandom, Gods, and more". Multiversity Comics. 2017-05-09. Retrieved 2018-01-04 .
  7. ^ Foxe, Steve. "Guest List: Kieron Gillen on the Music Behind The Wicked + The Divine (and a Whole Lot More)". Paste Magazine. Paste Media Group. Retrieved 5 June 2015.
  8. ^ Gillen, Kieron. "PLAYLIST: The Wicked + The Divine". Spotify . Retrieved 7 June 2015.
  9. ^ Andreeva, Nellie (29 May 2015). "'The Wicked + The Divine' Comic To Be Adapted Every bit Tv Series By Universal TV". Deadline. Penske Business organization Media, LLC. Retrieved xxx June 2015.
  10. ^ Kieron Gillen (w), Jamie McKelvie (p), Matt Wilson (i). "The Faust Act" The Wicked + The Divine #1 (June 18, 2014), Image Comics
  11. ^ Kieron Gillen (westward), Jamie McKelvie (p), Matt Wilson (i). "Fandemonium" The Wicked + The Divine #11 (June iii, 2015), Image Comics
  12. ^ "The Florence + the Machine". viii August 2015.
  13. ^ "Writer Notes: THE WICKED + THE DIVINE #6".
  14. ^ Kieron Gillen (due west), Jamie McKelvie (p), Matt Wilson (i). "Fandemonium" The Wicked + The Divine #six (December 17, 2014), Image Comics
  15. ^ "Wicked Intervention: Match + Amaterasu". 24 October 2018.
  16. ^ "Author Notes: The Wicked + the Divine 4".
  17. ^ "Writer Notes: The Wicked + the Divine #3".
  18. ^ "Author Notes: The Wicked + the Divine #two".
  19. ^ "Writer Notes: The Wicked + the Divine #1".
  20. ^ Kieron Gillen (w), Jamie McKelvie (p), Matt Wilson (i). "The Faust Act" The Wicked + The Divine #5 (October 22, 2014), Epitome Comics
  21. ^ Kieron Gillen (w), Jamie McKelvie (p), Matt Wilson (i). "Fandemonium" The Wicked + The Divine #ix (March 25, 2015), Paradigm Comics
  22. ^ "THE WICKED + THE DIVINE". Comic Book Roundup. Archived from the original on 11 August 2017. Retrieved 5 January 2019.
  23. ^ "BCA 2014 Winers Announced". British Comic Awards. Archived from the original on 29 November 2014. Retrieved 17 November 2014.
  24. ^ "2015 Eisner Award Nominations". Comic-Con. Archived from the original on 13 June 2015. Retrieved xvi June 2015.
  25. ^ "2018 Eisner Accolade Nominations". Comic-Con. Archived from the original on 13 June 2015. Retrieved 8 Jan 2019.

External links [edit]

  • Official website Edit this at Wikidata


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